Frequently Asked Questions
What is ArtThread?The ArtThread Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation dedicated to making art and creative expression more available to those impacted by illness, physical limitations, or social consequence. ArtThread uses its technology to build a global art-based community that bolsters the individual spirit across cultural and language barriers, and puts art EVERYWHERE: home, work, in-patient and clinic settings, schools, and in community organizations.
What is the ArtThread Interactive Online Gallery?The Gallery is an innovative, inspirational, and interactive web site where you post your work of art, create art online, and weave a thread of shared art with your community and your family. Think of the ArtThread Gallery as an infinitely large canvas of thousands of interconnected pieces of artwork that represent the healing journey. You can start or join an "art thread" and share it with your family and friends – you can Connect, Create, and Thrive!
What is a Thread on the ArtThread Gallery?Think of a Thread as a conversation where creative expression is used instead of words. You can either start a new Thread or add to an existing one. When you start a new Thread you are inviting others to follow you down a fresh path of creativity. When you add to an existing Thread or respond to a piece of art on a Thread you are joining a conversation. In either case you are taking your art and posting it to the Gallery for everyone to see. All art objects that appear in the Main ArtThread Gallery are part of a Thread - put there by someone starting or joining a conversation. When you look at a Thread you are seeing the relationships between the various pieces of art in that conversation.
How do I look at these Threads?Try pushing the Thread View button on the Main Gallery home page. Each time you push it you will see another Thread in the Gallery. Zoom in and out and get a sense of the way the art is arranged on a Thread.
Why is the art on a Thread arranged that way - almost like a Scrabble® board?The ArtThread conversation goes in multiple directions, depending on how you choose to add art to a Thread. Did a specific piece of art move you or inspire you? You can respond to that piece of art in a Thread, and in this case your art is posted below the art you respond to. Do you like the theme of a certain Thread, or do you want to contribute to that art conversation? You can then add to that Thread, and in this case your art will be posted to the right of the piece you chose. Go ahead - try it! You'll see how the art begins to weave a thread.
How did these images get up on the Gallery?All the art you see on the ArtThread Gallery comes from you - the ArtThread Thrivor! You can upload any image that you have as an electronic file on your computer, including all your photographs. If you created an image using traditional art tools (pens, pencils, brushes, pastels, crayons) you can either take a picture of that art with your digital camera, or scan the picture using your scanner. You can photograph your 3-D art, too. Once you have an electronic version of your art, you are ready to join in on the ArtThread conversation. Choose Add Art to upload your image.
How do I get my own Gallery on ArtThread?As soon as you register (it's easy - go ahead!) you immediately have your very own My Gallery page. This is private - only you can see this page. Whenever you choose to Add Art the image will first come here to My Gallery. Once your image is here it becomes available for you to post to any thread on the Main Gallery. Check out your My Gallery page - you can also share your art with a friend, create your own slide show, look at the history of all art you've seen on the Main Gallery, and see all the Threads to which you have posted your art.